NALP staff continues in its quest to ensure that member’s opinions are heard by EPA regulators as they continue on their quest to re-register all pesticide products by the end of 2022 – a tough row to hoe considering the number of registered pesticides in the United States. This past week, NALP submitted comments to EPA relative to the insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin, a common active ingredient used on turfgrass and ornamentals. NALP comments informed EPA as to the benefits this pesticide brings and offers our opinion on the proposed restrictions that EPA is considering. Chief among the restrictions is a complete prohibition of use on residential lawns, both for granular and liquid formulations. NALP pointed out that a properly designed IPM program rotates pesticide modes of action so that insects do not develop resistance to any one particular class of insecticides. By removing residential uses of lambda-cyhalothrin, landscape professionals are forced to rely on a smaller universe of alternative insecticides to protect plants, thus increasing the chances of insecticide resistance developing. Comments also revolved around the specific methods and types of equipment that are used and how they are designed to limit drift or other off-site movement of the product.