“The Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting public comments and suggestions about the petition process for exemptions regarding pesticides from registration and other requirements under FIFRA, where the pesticides are determined to be of a character unnecessary to be subject to regulation. EPA is considering streamlining the petition process and revisions to how they evaluate the potential minimum risk active and inert substances, factors used in classes of exemptions, state implementation of the minimum risk program and the need for any future exemptions or modifications to current exemptions. EPA is also requesting comment on whether the Agency should consider amending existing exemptions or adding new classes of pesticidal substances for exemption, such as peat when used in septic filtration systems.”
The 25(b) minimum risk pesticide products are regulated differently state by state. Some states require them to be registered, others do not. Similarly with applicators, some states require licenses, some do not. While these products are indeed minimum risk, they are not benign and can be misused just as with any pesticide product. Many state regulatory agencies report that a significant number of complaints that are submitted surround the use of 25(b) products, many in the burgeoning mosquito control business. NALP will be submitting comments and we welcome input from membership. Contact Bob Mann for further details. READ MORE.