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Later today the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to pass a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.” The package mirrors the first portion of President Biden’s “Rescue” & “Recovery” plan he introduced the week he was inaugurated. The package is being moved quickly through Congress to extend key […]
Last week, EPA released another in a series of documents that will ultimately conclude with guidance on plant regulator substances including the many biostimulant products on the market. “Plant biostimulants are increasingly being used by farmers to increase agriculture productivity,” said EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Alexandra Dapolito Dunn. “When finalized, our Plant Biostimulants Guidance will provide sought-after certainty […]
NALP staff will be submitting comments over the weekend to the EPA on two important herbicides that are in the process of periodic reregistration by the agency. The herbicide triclopyr is an important tool for professional applicators who struggle with tough to control weeds such as ground ivy and violet, while the preemergent herbicide dithiopyr is a mainstay of springtime grassy weed control applications […]
The semi-annual meeting of the PPDC occurred virtually this week. This committee is made up of pesticide stakeholders across the political spectrum and serves as a forum for EPA to discuss topical issues. This week, the PPDC tackled pesticide resistance management, emerging agricultural technology, the agency’s efforts to confront the COVID-19 pandemic, emerging pathogens, and […]
EPA last week released an updated list of pests of significant health importance in conjunction with the CDC and USDA with an eye towards developing programs to control these pests through chemical, biological or other means. This release updates the original version of the list released in 2002 and includes several new pests such as […]
On Monday, NALP’s Bob Mann joined representatives from RISE, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of American and the National Pest Management Association in discussing pollinator protection efforts with the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign’s Pesticide Education Task Force. NAPPC is comprised of academics, government officials, and other stakeholders that work towards pollinator conservation across the […]
On October 27th the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Memorandum Supporting Decision to Approve Registration for the Uses of Dicamba on Dicamba Tolerant Cotton and Soybean. Typically the scope of this sort of publication would be narrowly focused on agriculture uses of Dicamba not pertinent to the landscape industry but because certain states used a provision in […]